After the scripts have been included you can use the Activebar inside every javascript call. In most of the cases you will want to show the Activebar directly after some of your pages have been loaded. This can easily be done using jquerys "document ready" shortcut: This simple code snipped will show a default Activebar containing the text "Hello World". Lets take a look what happens here in detail. First of all a new \ element is created using an appropriate jquery call. After that jquerys method chaining feature is used to set the inner html content of this div to "Hello World". In the last step the activebar function is called on the created div, which turns the given jquery object into an Activebar and automatically displays it. The activebar function can be called on every jquery object. This includes objects created from any element inside your page. Take a look at the jquery selector documentation to get a better understanding of how this feature can be used. Available options The activebar method can be invoked providing a set of options to customize all different aspects of the Activebar. Options are simply provided as POJO (Plain old java(script) object) directly to the activebar method call. This look something like this: $('.someClass').activebar({ 'option1': 'value1', 'option2': 'value2', 'option3': 'value3', ... }); Look and feel The Activebar is designed to mimic the look and feel of the information bar used by the Internet Explorer 6. But you may want, for example, to change its background color, the default font used for the text rendering or the image files used for the icon and the close button. All this and much more, is easily achievable using the appropriate options. background: The background color used by the bar. You can use any valid css background definition for this property. highlight: The background color used while the mouse is over the bar. This option supports any valid css background value as well. border: Color of the 1px border on the bottom of the bar. Only valid css color values are supported by this option. font: Font family used by default for any given content. fontColor: Default font color used for the provided content. fontSize: Default font size used for the displayed content node. icon: Path and name to the icon image displayed left of the provided content. This icon needs be 16x16 pixels in size. button: Path and name to the image used as a close button representation. The image needs to be 16x16 pixels in size. Behavior The Activebar allows to link to a certain website whenever it is clicked. The target of this linking operation can easily provided using the url option. url: Target url to jump to if the bar is clicked. More complex example After the options have been explained it is time to provide a more complete example of how to use these kind of features: $('
').html('This page may not be displayed correctly in this browser. You are strongly encouraged to update to a current release of Firefox') .activebar({ 'font': 'serif', 'icon': 'images/information.png', 'url': '' }); This example will show an Activebar containing the provided text and link, using a serif type font, showing a custom message icon and linking to the firefox website if it is clicked. Restricting to a special browser type As I explained above the main intention behind all this was to encourage Internet Explorer users to switch or update their browser. Therefore the message should only be displayed if such a browser is used. This can easily be achieved using jquerys browser detection functionality: if ( $.browser.msie ) { // Put your Activebar calling code in here } Using this technique it is moreover easily possible to restrict the message even further by checking for browser versions for example. Take a look at the corresponding documentation to see how this can be done. Using together with other js libraries Maybe you are already using other javascript libraries on your website like scriptaaculouus or mooffx. In this case you do not want jQuery to conflict with the behaviour of the \$ function already defined by this toolkits. Therefore jquery can be told to create no conflict after it is loaded. This is done by calling the function noConflict und using the jQuery for all calls to jQuery after that. Using a function closure you may even define the \$ shortcut for a limited area of your website. Take a look at the example below: Download There are different possibilities to obtain the Activebar. The easiest way is to download the package below which consists of current release as well as a bundled jquery javascript file and this documentation. Furthermore a simple usage example html file is included in the archive. - Activebar 2.0.1 If you are interested in the bleeding edge version of this widget you might check out a copy of its SVN repository, which is publicly available at: $ svn co svn:// " />

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