Power Query ribbon > Manage Queries > Shared > hover on the query and choose Edit Settings: Properties when sharing a Power Query with other Power BI users Roles for Data Stewards and Administrators Roles for Data Stewards and Administrators are defined in the Power BI Admin Center: Role Management page in the Power BI Admin Center Ideally, you have a small group of Administrators - those are the folks allowed to define data sources and gateways and roles and such in the Power BI Admin Center. Even a member of the global Office 365 administrator role needs to be added here. Also, ideally, you have a small subset of users who have been identified as data stewards. A data steward is allowed to certify a shared Power Query (certified meaning it's been validated and deemed trustworthy by someone who knows the data sufficiently). Service, user, and virtual account to run the Data Management Gateway This last section is for the administrator of the on-premises server where the source data is being accessed by Power Pivot and/or Power Query. If you need to set up scheduled data refresh, or expose data feeds via OData, that requires a Data Management Gateway to be installed on the server where the data resides (i.e., before it's imported into Power Pivot). When the Data Source Manager is installed, there are 3 things set up by the install program: 1. Windows group called Data Management Gateway Users.  These are the user(s) who can run the Data Source Manager application installed on the local server. The user ID of the person who is installing the DMG is added automatically. You might need to add additional people depending on how the server is managed. 2. Windows service called the Data Management Gateway Host Service.  This is the service that runs the DMG on the server and maintains contact with the Power BI site. 3. Windows virtual account (managed local account) called NT SERVICE\DIAHostService. This is the context under which the host service runs. Windows Service which runs the Data Management Gateway Secure transmission of data refreshes from Data Management Gateway When doing data refreshes in Power BI, or exposing data via an OData feed, it's typically very important to do so via HTTPS with an SSL certificate to encrypt the transmission so the data is not exposed.  In a production (real) environment you'll want to use an SSL certificate purchased from a certificate authority. For testing purposes, it's ok to use a self-signed certificate. More info about doing that is here: Create a Self-Signed Certificate for Testing.  A bit of additional info about the DMG and certificates is here:  Troubleshooting Power BI for the IT Pro and here: Power BI for Office 365 Admin Center Help. Ports for Data Management Gateway The DMG on the on-premises server communicates with cloud services with outgoing ports 9350-9354.  It falls back to 443/80 if the other ports are not open. No incoming ports are required from the internet because messages are received via Service Bus. For OData feeds, however, it does require an open port of 8050 or 8051.  More information on this is available from this Channel 9 session called Deep Dive on the Data Management Gateway in Power BI. As you can see, there's some things to be aware of to make sure your environment is secured the way you intend it to be. Handling of security is one of the reasons I'm an advocate of functional areas partnering with technical staff when implementing Power BI.   If you can think of something I missed, leave me a comment and I'll be sure to add it. You Might Also Like... Differences Between Power BI and SharePoint BI Getting New Power Pivot Features & Other Office 2013 Updates" />

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